SRC’s Made in America Promise
Made in America: three simple words whose value have perhaps never been more pronounced. Global supply-chain disruptions have created an inventory shortage across the fall-protection industry — but not at Safety Rail Company. By manufacturing our own products right here in America, we solidify our status as the market leader in rooftop fall protection.
This business model provides a number of benefits, beginning with the fact that we boast the largest available inventory in the business. Nobody has more product ready to ship than Safety Rail Company, including our signature product: the SRC360 Mobile Rail, the most versatile OSHA-compliant guardrail in the business. And, because we have available inventory, we are able to undertake projects of any size. While other suppliers wait for their products to be shipped from unreliable international sources, we control our own inventory level and, thus, have the quickest turnaround times in the fall-protection market.
Likewise, we utilize the craftsmanship of skilled American workers, allowing us to remain connected to our community of employees and business partners. Finally, by undertaking a domestic-manufacturing process, we maintain the highest of quality standards and oversight without being tied to the questionable standards of overseas vendors.
So, if your current supplier is having difficulty fulfilling your project needs, give Safety Rail Company a call — we have inventory ready to go! And this includes more than just safety rails – we have a comprehensive lineup of fall-protection products, from rooftop hatch guards and ladders to safety gates and skylight protection, all of which are quickly available for your next rooftop safety project!
For more insight on our manufacturing and installation process, please check out our new video – an exciting visual journey from our factory floor through the project’s completion!