birds eye view of building with mobile rail

Protect Your People. Protect Your Organization.

Enroll in the Safety Rail Inspection Program and get back to the business at hand.
Start now, call +1-888-469-9820.

What you don't see can hurt you.

The SRC Inspection Program is the best and easiest way to keep your people safe and your facility OSHA-compliant. Not only will we conduct regular inspections, we’ll also keep a sharp eye on changes in your facility. Things change — additions, repurposing and the ravages of time can all impact the state of your fall protection systems and your compliance status.

src360 mobile rail base installation
We've got you covered.

No single organization is better suited to keep you protected. Even if we didn’t design, build and install your system, you can trust Safety Rail Company to look after it. If we do find deficiencies in your system, you can find peace of mind in the fact that we’re not only the safe choice to address them… we’re the safest.

Accu-fit Rail on Roof
installation process

Staying protected couldn’t be easier.

You’ve got a business to run. Look to SRC to handle your fall protection… and keep handling your fall protection.

Updated Regulatory Codes

SRC is an expert in the field of evolving regulatory standards — and we’ll tell you if your fall-protection system is still in compliance or if updates are required.

Changes to Your Facility

Any additions or alterations to your rooftop (including new or moved equipment, new personnel access points, etc.) require a corresponding safety review.

Subcontractor Work

If a subcontractor performs maintenance on the roof, they may have moved or repositioned your fall-protection equipment without returning it to its originally installed, compliant position.

Conditional Wear & Tear

Positioned outdoors in the elements, even the most durable fall-protection products will begin to show signs of regular wear and tear over time.

Here’s what to expect.
  • Visit site with two-person certified inspection team
  • Perform thorough inspection of existing fall-protection system
  • Document new hazards
  • Review inspection results with site manager
  • Deliver detailed inspection report, with certificate of completion
engineered solutions process

Sign Up for an Inspection.

Call +1-888-469-9820 or email