Enroll in the Safety Rail Inspection Program and get back to the business at hand.
Start now, call +1-888-469-9820.
You’ve got a business to run. Look to SRC to handle your fall protection… and keep handling your fall protection.
SRC is an expert in the field of evolving regulatory standards — and we’ll tell you if your fall-protection system is still in compliance or if updates are required.
Any additions or alterations to your rooftop (including new or moved equipment, new personnel access points, etc.) require a corresponding safety review.
If a subcontractor performs maintenance on the roof, they may have moved or repositioned your fall-protection equipment without returning it to its originally installed, compliant position.
Positioned outdoors in the elements, even the most durable fall-protection products will begin to show signs of regular wear and tear over time.
Call +1-888-469-9820 or email